So you’ve made a new podcast, you know it’s really great, and you want to market it to as many people as possible, in an effective way. Enter TheMadVlad.com, stage right. Enter email marketing using safelists. Have you ever marketed a podcast using an email safelist before? Are you familiar with what a safelist is?
A safelist is a group of people who voluntarily agree to receive and send promotional emails to each other. Safelists can be thousands of members strong. The safelist members email various product promotions or business promotions to each other with the intent of generating business from their fellow members who may buy what they’re promoting, which they often do. The better the safelist, the better the success.
So, for your podcasts I suggest you look into marketing and promoting them through The Mad Vlad’s email marketing safelist. You can participate for free, and you can also upgrade to a paid account where you can buy more advertising to optimize your email campaign results.
The Mad Vlad’s safelist is particularly powerful and successful. Take a moment to read the many testimonials of The Mad Vlad safelist members—lots of happy customers and users who have found tremendous value in using the marketing program The Mad Vlad is offering.