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May 1st is the traditional web designer/developer's clean up day. It's the unofficial 'reboot' to clean up lose ends in code, massage the server, tweak the sites....that type of thing. I'm not a web developer (any more), but I'm also... Continue Reading
It's easy, really. A friend of mine said it best "Hold a podcasting conference and charge everyone to get in". While his comment was probably tongue-in-cheek, he's pretty much hit the nail on the head.I recently talked about how the... Continue Reading
The Creative Commons has put out a guide on the legal considerations of podcasting. It's a biggie and likely US-biased, but I'm going to find the time to read it.The CC is being very clear that this is just a... Continue Reading
Anybody know what's going on with these guys? They ran the first online podcasting expo last weekend which is (obviously) over now. I was hoping to get an after-action report from them, but they have nothing that I can see... Continue Reading
I went searching for podcasting jobs today on a whim, and sadly didn't find any. I didn't really expect to find any, but since it had been 6 months or so since I had done this little tour, I had... Continue Reading
I guess it's a little early since it just ended last night, but I'm really looking for feedback on how the International Podcast Expo went this weekend. As I blogged about last week, the expo was an online virtual conference... Continue Reading
A while ago I wrote about an eBay auction for an advertising spot on the Tech Nation podcast. The opening bid was $12,000 and I predicted that the auction would close with zero bids. Turns out I was right -... Continue Reading
A good sign that an industry is healthy and growing is the advent of conferences surrounding it. There are a number of podcasting conferences being announced these days. Some are virtual and some are 'real life', but whatever the venue,... Continue Reading
Burning Door, Feedburner's official blog, recently posted a 'state of the podcastsphere'-like post containing some interesting (to me, anyhow) stats.I'll spare you all the gobbledy-gook and just highlight the things that kind of surprised me. If you want the full... Continue Reading
From the "Damn, that's clever!" book, Podcast Ready recently announced a device-side podcatcher. Rather than running a podcatcher on your computer, the Podcast Ready application is designed to be run directly from your MP3 player. The Podcast Ready site doesn't... Continue Reading
Slilcon Republic is reporting today that there are 38,000 podcasts on iTunes and only 36,000 radio stations world-wide. Apparently this is a big deal, but I don't understand why.Citizen media (or whatever you want to call blogging and podcasting) is... Continue Reading
Yet another boost for the ubuquitous iPod. Starting in July, BMW purchasers will be able to get an iPod interface in their new car.Apparently the interface isn't just compatible with the iPod, but Sirius radio and HD Radio (whatever the... Continue Reading
Podcasting News is carrying an article today about the concern that local broadcasters have with podcasts.The crux of the problem is that local radio broadcasters figure that they're losing out on listeners because people are able to download podcasts and... Continue Reading
Today I'm profiling Ronald Lewis, the producer of the Interviews podcast.1.Who are you? My name is Ronald Lewis. I am 26 years old, and currently reside in Denver, Colorado. Prior to Denver, I lived in Nashville, Tennessee. My hometown... Continue Reading
How much do you think podcast advertising is worth? The market is all over the place at the moment. Nobody knows for sure where advertisers and podcasters will meet, and a lot of people are experimenting both with price-points and... Continue Reading
This is a great little series that I've decided to run, if I do say so myself. I keep a little list of what I consider to be unusual sources of podcasts and when I have a handful, I put... Continue Reading
Easton over at Business Blog Wire made a comment here recently about coming to understand podcasting. I made an off-the-cuff comment that podcasting is just like blogging, but more work. That got me to thinking about the ways that blogging... Continue Reading
If you jump into any podcast discussion forum on the planet, you'll likely stumble across at least one conversation about how long a good podcast should be. I don't think there can be a blanket rule. Rather, a podcast should... Continue Reading
Podcasting can be as simple or complex as you'd like. At a minimum, you need to record a show, tag it, and get it online. But there's no shortage of applications out there that will do more for you. My... Continue Reading
Apr 7
From the "Look Who's Podcasting Now" Files:David BowieThe Kentucky DerbyTower RecordsThe Olympics (ok, now a 'who', but you get it)The Museum of Modern ArtIn a previous life I'd go off the deepend about the difference between 'podcasting' and offering an... Continue Reading
As podcasting becomes more popular, more companies are putting resources into examining the lay of the land. The first stop for most companies is a good old-fashioned survey.I recently put a book proposal together and have therefore had my head... Continue Reading
Apr 6
There are two things weighing heavily on my mind these days. One is my never-ending fascination with podcast advertising (podvertising) and the other is how viral marketing and the podosphere go together. I know, podosphere isn't really a word, but... Continue Reading
Apr 5
Kiptronic is another podcast advertising service much like Fruitcast, but just a tad more complex.Where Fruitcast offers a single service - slap an ad into the show somewhere - Kiptronic is a full-featured sponsorship machine.I have a Kiptronic account because... Continue Reading
Apr 4
Podcast advertising companies are springing up all over the place. Many entrepreneurs missed out on the intial rise in blogging and they're not willing to make the same mistake with podcasting. Today I'm going to look at one of the... Continue Reading
Apr 3
In the beginning there was the click. We called that a 'hit' and each one we saw on a web page was good.Then we realized that a hit did not necessarily mean a unique visitor. In fact, an unscrupulous webmaster... Continue Reading
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