Where Fruitcast offers a single service - slap an ad into the show somewhere - Kiptronic is a full-featured sponsorship machine.
I have a Kiptronic account because Kiptronic has a partnership agreement of some sort with Libsyn which makes is easy for Libsynners to link their account to Kiptronic. I've populated a lot of the data in my Kiptronic account, but haven't actually used the service yet. The delay is largely due to the facts that I don't think much of 'slapping an ad on the file' processes to start with, and Kelly and I don't have a decent promo together yet which is a bit of a requirement for get advertiser attention.
Without having any experience actually using the Kiptronic system, it appears to be far superior to Fruitcast in the area of podcaster control. I am able to indicate what type of advertising I want to accept, what spots (front, back middle) are available for sale in my show, the price I want to charge, and more.
I can also provide an intro clip that will play before ads if I'd like (which makes sense - starting a podcast immediately with an ad seems kind of rude), and I can control whether that intro plays all the time, or only when there's an ad. There are a lot more options in there if you dig around a bit.
It's quite clear that a lot of thought went into Kiptronic. They've thought far beyond the tecnical aspects of slapping two MP3 files together.
I'd like to list the pros and cons as I did with Fruitcast, but since I haven't actually used Kiptronic, I would be speculating on much of it. I think it's clear that I'm impressed with the range of control that Kiptronic provides. I think the differences between Kiptronic and Fruitcast show the difference between a company who really 'gets' podcasting and has put a lot of thought into the actual execution of podvertising and a company that's just focussed on stitching two audio files together and paying a penny for it.
My recommendation still stands, though. Before handing your precious feed over to anyone, make a duplicate feed on Feedburner and hand that one over. That will let you check the service out in real time with real data without affecting your listeners.
» Qumana: Gonzo! from Jon Watson's Tales from the Motherboard
I recently gave the Qumana blog client a try. Yes, I run Linux, but I had heard such good things about Qumana that I thought it might be worth firing up the old VMWare to run Qumana. I'm about two weeks away from really needing a good blog client, and giv [Read More]
Tracked on: April 14, 2006 5:15 PM | Permalink to Trackback