We were all thinking it (or at least I was), and now Up Snap has done it. While cellular data plans are ridiculously expensive here in Canada, we seem to have more voice minutes kicking around than anyone knows what to do with. Unlimited evenings and weekends are commonplace with most carriers and if you're like me and have to shell out for a decent data plan, you likely have more daytime minutes than you know what to do with as well.
Up Snap has decided to turn all that excess voice time into podcast time. I tried to give the service a whirl which largely involves a series of SMS responses, but just before I got to the point where I could tell the system to actually send me a podcast, the SMSes stopped coming.
Part of me thinks that it has something to do with me not being in the US, but since the first series of signup SMSes came OK, that might not be it.
Anyone want to give Up Snap a try and report back? I'm dying to hear how it works.