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Sep 3
How Do You Find Good Podcasts?
An excellent question and one that podcasters should be interested in. Even if you're not a big consumer of podcasts, it's important to take some effort to understand how your listeners might go about finding youand how to take advantage of that process.

Chinese Music has a great little round-up post that lists a few options such as Amigo Fish, iTunes (of couse), and VlogMap. The entry also quotes some people in the space, like CC Chapman, about how they find good podcasts.

The most interesting part of this article by far is that it seems that using directories to find podcasts is falling by the wayside. It seems that listeners are finally becoming aware that podcasting isn't television or radio and the show with the most listeners or most voters isn't always the best show.

There are so many podcasts out there now that an unbiased engine like AmigoFish really helps provide access to the good stuff. The top 100 type lists just don’t expose the gems down the [Long] Tail " just the ones with the largest audience, which is definitely not what podcasting is all about. Niche rules, mass market is boring.

While there are a thousand different ways in which a listener may find a podcast, this article is a good primer into some of them.

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Whenever people ask me about finding podcasts I always ask them what types of content they are looking for. There are some good resources that are based on the type of content, like the New PR Wiki or Podiobooks.com for example, that point to good podcasts even though they are not podcast directories.

do you find that people know what they're looking for content-wise? I have people ask me about podcasts quite a bit, but when I ask them what they're specifically looking for, many of them have no idea.

Podcasts are very strong music players as far as i concerned

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