This is the first time I've attempted to listen to Accident Hash through Podshow's Flash player and man, oh man was it a bad experience. I'm using my Windows computer today, as I frequently do for blogging, and as soon as I started up Podshow's player, everything went all to hell.
I'm running Windows XP Home, fully updated, on a 2.4Ghz machine with 512MB of RAM. Normally works like a charm, but Podshow's flash player turned it into a jerky, unusable mess. Every time I attempted to switch windows or minimize/maxinimize something, the sound would cut out and I'd have to wait a second or so for whatever I wanted to happen.
Needless to say, I shut it off and won't be doing that again.
The only reason why I think that this is Biz Podcasting fodder is because there are ads on the Podshow player window. Presumably, these ads are paid for and likely paid for by impression. Advertisers that are considering paying for ads on a player should take a quick look at the player in question. In a time when stats are showing that many listeners are listening online rather than downloading, it may seem attractive to advertise on the player. However, in CC's case anyhow, I'll be back to subscribing just to avoid the player.
Food for thought...