I've recently signed up with Todd Cochrane's new podcast directory, BluBrry. Against my own advice, I generally ignore new directories because there are just too darn many of them. While the podcaster in me says "sign up for every one you can", the pragmatist in my says "at some point my time becomes too valuable to chase every directory that pops up". I've reached that critical mass point now and I've decided that I am going to pick a single directory and ignore the rest.
I figure BluBrry is as good as any other and I'm pretty confident that Todd knows what he's doing so I feel pretty good about hanging out there.
I am no longer going to maintain directory listings at any other directory because it's just not worthy my time anymore. There seems to be more directories than podasts some days, and Ive become skeptical about the value any of them but the biggies.
How much is your time worth? Have you reached the boiling point with directories yet?
Just remember Blubrry.com is a community site not a directory. Our goal is not to have 20,000 people signed up. We want people like you that want to be their. Welcome to the community.
Just remember Blubrry.com is a community site not a directory. Our goal is not to have 20,000 people signed up. We want people like you that want to be their. Welcome to the community.
Posted by: todd cochrane | July 17, 2006 4:02 AM | Permalink to Comment