One of the great things about watching a new medium grow is the possibilities that people entering the arena being to the table. One of the more innovative ideas I’ve heard so far in the podcasting space is on-demand training.
SHRM has a great article on just this thing. Admittedly this isn’t completely new. I hosted the GNU/Linux User Show podcast for the better part of 2005 which was an educational show, but not exactly a training show. There’s no reason, though, why it couldn’t have been.
Short (or long) shows on precise topics like negotiating tips, or reading stock market reports, or interviewing skills would probably have a large market amongst the commuting public.
Such surgically precise shows would also be attractive to advertisers. I may be on to something here…
» University of Wisconsin Offers Podcasting Rewards from BizPodcasting
Knowing that their target potential student is a 17 year old who spend 3 hours a day engrossed in digital media, the UofW is encouraging their instructors to come up with ways to integrate podcasting into the curriculum with awards... [Read More]
Tracked on: May 16, 2006 2:36 PM | Permalink to Trackback