There's a good article on Poynter Online this morning about how many journalists are expected to be able to podcast. This particluar artilce is about journalist Tom Opdyke 's experiences while creating The Atlanta Journal -Constitution's "Through Hell or High Water" Katrina narrative.
It's half article and half interciew and as such contains some good insights and some good pointers for podcasters.
How do you handle different voices in the narrative?
While I enjoy doing character voices, we made an editorial decision not to do dialect for fear of sounding condescending or being distracting. Still, there is a need when narrating to somehow distinguish among the characters for the sake of the listener. To do that, I lighten my voice for females, and give each a slightly different shading. Males get my full range, from baritone to bass: the colonel commanding the helicopters has to sound more authoritative than the hospital resident.