Good point and only time will tell. I think that we're taking old thinking into the new age. If *I* had podcasts a couple of years ago in school, for example, I probably would have skipped class in favour of them. Today's students are a different breed, however. They're used to podcasts and all sort of wondermedia that I never had and will react differently to it.
I also have to wonder if lower class attendance would be a bad thing in universities these days. There's an absolutely horrific instructor to student ratio in a lot of schools these days.
Via Daniel Drezner
I would've loved podagogy for my Abnormal Psyc class. The professor taught directly out of the book and after the second class I stopped going. I just read the text and still got an A-
Podcasting can also be used by the instructor to have their students make recordings (like for ESL).
Posted by: Jason Becker | July 13, 2006 11:10 AM | Permalink to Comment