Mark Orion provides this advice in his article on Ezine (wow, the second Ezine artile I've quoted this week). It's very, very important to note that when Mark talks about risk, he's talking about money.
Risk big and fail often. Traditional advertising costs prohibited taking big chances. With the cost of radio and TV time, who dared open the creative window. But, as we all know, innovation stops when we become afraid to fail. Fail often; fail fast has become the new mantra. Podcasting is cost effective and after all, you are speaking to your listeners who want to hear what you have to say. If you are innovating, they'll back you up as you blaze new trails
I totally see where Mark is coming from and in the context of money, I agree. It's almost free to podcast so why not give it a whirl? If it fails you've lost virtually nothing.
There are other types of failure, however. Saying the wrong thing, coming across as an infomercial, producing a podcast that sounds bad or contains no real information are all things that will cause a business podcast to fail and not be as easy to recover from. Crediblity, unlike money, cannot be replaced over night.
I would change it to "Rick Big and Fail Often. Just not with your credibility"
Edit: Sorry, I lost the link somewhere...