Robyn Tippins, one of my many b5 Media partners in crime, has a great article list of the top 7 tips that podcasters should adhere to. I'm an indie podcaster and therefore don't really buy into the whole notion of rules in podcasting, but I understand that there needs to be some commonality of form in the business podcasting world.
You'll have to hit to read all the details, but the headlines are:
Know Your Audience
Short, Very Short Spots
Call to Action
Low Key, Witty
Fresh Spots
Avoid Bumper Spots
Think Long Term
I agree, I'm not a rules kinda gal either. If I were, I'd not be a tech blogger/video game writer as a female ;) however, these guidelines are more for helping business podcasts that are into advertising and don't really understand the medium just yet. You and I know, as podcasters, that screaming at someone like a car ad just isn't going to work on a podcast, but for someone who's been advertising on FM for decades, old habits die hard...
Thanks for the link. I didn't even know you were blogging over here. I'll have to add you to my bloglines lists of must reads! :)
Posted by: | July 10, 2006 1:51 PM | Permalink to Comment