- Only 22% of people have ever heard of podcasting and only 11% have actually listened to one. My search isn't working very well on Biz Podcasting at the moment, but I know I've said something to the effect of "if I walked down the street and asked 100 people what a podcast was, maybe 5 might know". Polls and surveys that show otherwise aren't polling the right people.
- The biggest demographic isn't 18-24 year olds. Rather, it's 35-45. Old news. Todd Cochrane (and others) found that out months ago.
- 56% of listeners never transfer a show to their podcast. They listen on their computers. Given that we know that only about 1/2 of listeners use a podcatcher, I think it follows that most of those listeners are using a computer rather than a digital audio player.
Via Paul Colilgan.