I love this site. New Media School is a practical place to learn about podcasting.
New Media School teaches you about audio and video podcasting. We turn the buzzwords into your own personal toolbox to reach your audience and have passionate conversations about what matters most to you.
It's quite obvious that a lot of work goes into this site as there's always great little clips and tips on video and audio podcasting.
Highly recommended.
Thanks very much for the kind review of New Media School. We're certainly looking to grow the site into something useful to businesses, organizations, and people looking to podcast to open conversations between themselves and whoever matters to them.
We'll be at PodCamp on Sept 9-10 in Boston, a free event to share information in real time with hundreds of experts and enthusiasts alike. Come to PodCamp.org for details on that.
What should we cover next? What's of interest to your site? Drop me an email or leave comments at the site.
--Chris Brogan...
Posted by: Chris Brogan... | August 28, 2006 12:29 PM | Permalink to Comment