I discovered a post about podcasting in an educational framework (yup, the old podagogy rears its ugly head again). The difference between this post and many other ones that I've read is that this post is from a teacher's perspective.
Sean (and that's all the info we're getting since his About page is broken), reflects on how his students have taken to podcasting and what the future looks like.
Some of the salient points:
Virtually none of his students listen to his podcasts on a portable device
Sean produces a videocast, but makes the standalone audio available to those who want it
Quicktime 7 provides chapter functionality which allows Sean to pull in a Powerpoint presentation and each slide automagically becomes a chapter for quick reference
Lots of other good stuff in there. Check it out if you're interested in podagogy.
Doh! I am the Sean in your link. My About page is supposed to link to my main professional website, but I suppose I did something wrong when I switched themes and upgraded to WordPress 2.0.4 ealier this week.
Anyway, here's more about me: http://seanlancaster.com/
Thanks for noticing my blog. I also appreciate finding your blog as well because I am sure I can learn some things from the many posts here.
Posted by: sean | August 21, 2006 7:52 PM | Permalink to Comment