Mr. Anonymous Poster (c'mon guys, do I really have to point out blogging 101 tips? Sign your posts.) at Awakened Voice feels that there are three major threats to the growth of podcasting:
- Centralized RSS feeds: Feedburner goes down and the entire podosphere goes down.
- Lack of a Community Directory: podcasts are too hard to find for your average Jane and Joe
- Misuse of Content: people redistribute podcaster's content without their permission
Update: My bad. the "About" page at Awakened Voice clearly states that all posts are written by Rob. Apologies all around.
Hey Jon,
Whats up? Hope all is well. Just wanted to put in my $0.02 on the FeedBurner issue mentioned above. This is a good point that you bring up. We are always looking for new things we can do to ensure uptime. In fact, we recently implemented something we call Feed Insurance.
Feed Insurance is a new bank of servers separate from our main bank that will engage and continue to serve up feeds if our main bank of servers goes down.
Would love to hear any feedback you or any of your readers and listeners have on how to better ensure uptime. Take care!
Eric Olson
Publisher Services - FeedBurner
Posted by: | August 14, 2006 11:30 AM | Permalink to Comment