There's a mixture of audio and video casts on the site, but don't think that you're going to get some grassroots stuff out of the Mighty M. They're nicely polished and sanitized casts, but nice.
I just finished watching the "The McDonald's You Don't Know" video (no way to link to it - sigh. Corporations). The Joneses own a McDonalds in the inner city of Indianapolis. Crime and drugs are high in the neighbourhood and the Joneses go out of their way to hire youths to get them off the street and get them started on the job trail.
It's a feel good piece, I know. But after watching it, I feel good :)
The casts are streamed off of the site, or you can subscribe to get the actual audio and video files.
I have to wonder how much traffic these casts get. I listened and watched a few specifically to see if there was anything worth talking about for Biz Podcasting but if I wasn't blogging about podcasting, I wouldn't be too inclined to download McDonald's podcasts. You just know that you're not going to get anything interesting.