It's September 1st today. Listener stats have shown that the summer is traditionally a slower time for podcast listenership, but now that we're at the tail end of it, things should start picking up.
Initially, I found it a bit ironic that listenership seems to go down in the summer. Like the RSS feed that only some listeners use, we were all properly hyped over the idea that podcasting was "good to go on the road". Stats are now showing that only about 1/2 of podcasts ever make it onto a portable device so I guess it follows that during a time when more people are outside and away from their computers that listenership goes down. It's amazing that podcasting is still growing despite all of the misconceptions that were in place when this thing started.
If you've been podcasting for a while, it's easy to forget to keep up with maintenance of little things like updating your directory listings and such. I'm about to go through a little fall cleaning and while I do so, I'll be posting entries on what I did and why.
To keep up with the entire series, click on the Fall Cleaning category in the listing to the right. As I do more maintenance, I"ll add posts to the category and please - add your own to the comments. This is the first time I've done this so I'll likely miss some good ones.