Dave Bill Kesel has it right, I think:
"Dave would like to be a pro surfer -- but very few actually make enough money surfing to survive. Many would like to blog or podcast professionally, but very few will actually make it big."
Dave is a surfer who's arranged his life so that he can drop everything when the surf's up and hit the beach. He wants to be a pro surfer, but realizes that almost nobody gets paid enough to surf full time. He points out that "it's almost impossible to have a reasonable perspective about something you're passionate about" and therefore bloggers and podcasters should keep their day jobs.
I agree that podcasting as a full time job is still way out there. Blogging, however, has come into it's own. There are many "pro bloggers" meaning bloggers that write full time, but I will admit that there are probably more who waiting in line.
This Dave guy is so quotable. I'l leave you with this last one (which I haven't really figured out if it's deep or nonsensical):
Via: Blogging for Business: The Future: It's a Non Mainstream Fad with Value"It's a fad...but that doesn't mean there isn't any long term value,"
technorati tags:fad, podcasting, blogging
Davebill really put it in perspective for me with his conparison with surfing.
I've known him a long time -- way before his current (and perhaps permanent) obsession with surfing.
He's a great surfer, but he knows he won't be a successful pro -- not to the extent that he's already sucessful in biz.
The GrapeRadio.com guys are somewhat similar, I also interviewed Brian Clark there - passionate about wine, loves podcasting, making money from it too --- but wait: it's a hobby and the real money (as in support selves and families etc.) come from their entreprenurial pursuits. GrapeRadio is a (professional) labor of love
Posted by: Ted Demopoulos | September 11, 2006 7:27 AM | Permalink to Comment