There is a core cadre of podcasting professionals who link to Biz Podcasting in their own blogrolls. These are the people who comment here regularly because of their need to be heard which is precisely what makes them excellent podcasters. These are the people who have real, hardcore, in your face, "sucks to be up at 2am trying to edit this stupid audio" file experience yet they still take the time to leave gems of wisdom on Biz Podcasting.
Despite my actions, I appreciate every single one of you. Even those who dare to disagree with me :)
In an effort to rectify my negligence, I have started the Biz Podcasting blogroll. It's a meagre beginning and I know that I've missed the vast majority of you.
Let the record show that I have added the few people who I can recall off the top of my head. Let the record further show that I have the memory of a three-year-old and lastly, let the record show that I know I have missed a LOT of people who have made this blog what it is.
Please. PLEASE help me.
If I have linked to you before then that's a sure-thing sign that I respect your opinion and views in the podcasting space. If I've missed you on the blogroll please let me know either via commenting on here or sending me an email to jon {at} bizpodcasting.com.
My inner three-year-old thanks you.