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Oct 9
How Important is Podcast Transcription?

I read a blog entry today on e24 Transcription. Given the high amount of grammatical and style errors in the entry I certainly wouldn't consider them as a contender to transcribe my show, but the entry did serve to make me think about the importance the written word.

The reasons for transcribing a podcast are many, but the primary one that I feel is important is to leverage the power of the major search engines which don't currently index audio in any meaningful way. Providing a text version of a show allows searchers to find your stuff alongside everything else crawled by the beasts.

Yes, there are audio search engines popping up, but that's only half the battle. Audio results need to show up right alongside text results in the major search engines in order to achieve full integration.

Search engines aside, how important is it to provide a text transcript of audio shows for "archival" purposes? I'm still stuck in the "it's a pain in the ass to research audio" mindset for two reasons:

  1. It's true, and
  2. Anyone, anywhere, can read a text document. Nothing more technical than a candle is required to read text

Audio, on the other hand, requires a device to play it. Once technology is introduced into the equation, limitations appear. Limitations like the device itself funtioning, the presence of speakers or earphones, having nicely charged batteries, and an audio format that the player can understand.

Depending on the nature of the business or show topic, it may be more important than we think to make a text transcript available.

2 Comments/Trackbacks

Thanks for reading our blog on e24 PodCast transcription and giving your valuable feedback on our content. Though we have been providing our transcription service for a while, we recognize ourselves as newbie to the world of blogging. As per your feedback we have corrected our transcription blog for any grammatical mistakes.

We appreciate you for recognizing our idea on “Why PodCast Transcription” and linking our blog to your content. If you require any transcription service for your PodCast, as a courtesy we would like to extend our transcription service FREE of cost for your first 10 PodCast!!

That podcast transcription is important,is but an established fact within the podcasting community. However, not many know the cheapest means of getting their transcription done. The transcription service should never drill a hole in your pocket, simply because it does not directly reflect upon the quality of your podcast. Hence, the best option must be made available to the podcaster. I suggest that podcasters go for outsourced podcast transcription services. The rates can be as low as $10 per hour, with very good accuracy as well...

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