I'm Jon Watson and I'm a podcaster. I'm also the new writer for Biz Podcasting and you're in for a ride, let me tell ya.
If you're interested in the ugly details of why I'm the man to write a podcasting blog, feel free to take a trip over to my personal love-me page on my own blog. You know, if you're into that type of thing.
The domain "Biz Podcasting" might lead you to believe that this is going to be a dry business blog using terms like ROI, and "business case". While I do have a diploma in Information Systems which necessitated some painful business courses, I can't even remember what those terms mean. What I do know is podcasting.
Podcasting is new media and as such is agile and inexpensive. If you stop to stare at a SWOT analysis or GANTT chart too long, it will all be over.
I recorded my 51st podcast last night. Considering that most of my podcasts have been weekly shows, that makes me one of the old boys. Not the oldest - but I have some pretty geriatric company.
So what am I going to bring to the table?
Two things: tools, tips, and tricks on how a new or existing business might benefit from podcasting and how a new or existing podcast can turn into a business.
The world has learned from blogging. Blogging turned into the sleeper hit of the century and many pundits who thought that blogging was just a fad are now choking on the million dollar price tags that blog networks are now commanding. Nobody likes being fooled twice, so this time around with podcasting there's an absolute multitude of businesses and services trying to capitalize on it. I'll help you sort through the less-than-desireable services and products to find those that really look promising and really 'get' podcasting.
Here's my first tip for you: start speaking. Right now. Strap on a $10 headset mic, fire up the excellent (and free as in both meanings) Audacity sound editor and start talking. No amount of planning and reading and talking will replace a few hours behind the mic. Getting comfortable with your mic will turn your podcast from a staid, boring, so-dry-I-wanna-scratch-my-eyes-out podcast (are these guys even talking to each other?) to a fun, free flowing and comfortable ride. (Yeah - this is my show!)
Jon, welcome to Know More Media! I look forward to reading your posts and learning about podcasting from you.
Hopefully we can network somewhat, since I've got the biz blogging side of the coin.
Marshall Sponder at our WebMetricsGuru blog just posted about SEO and podcasting. That might an early post topic to tackle.
Audacity is great!
Again, I'm excited for you to start blogging for us and I think this will be a great resource for anyone wanting to know more about the business of podcasting.
Posted by: Easton Ellsworth | March 27, 2006 9:20 AM | Permalink to Comment