In true Web 2.0 fashion, there are more and more podcast sharing sites popping up. To date most have involved simply sharing a list of favourite podcasts with other listeners, but Collektik takes it to the next level.
Collektik is "like mixtapes for podcasts" and it's pretty much true.
Collectik helps you listen to only the shows that you want to hear, working alongside your podcatcher (iTunes, Juice), your streaming player (Winamp, Quicktime, iTunes, RealPlayer), and your mp3 player (iPod, iRiver etc).
1. manage a Collection of podcast subscriptions on a webpage
2. mix a Playlist of just the things you want to hear
3. listen to your Playlist - either downloaded or as a stream
4. share your Playlists, and find Friends with the same taste as you
Not only can you share your feed with others, but you can also subscribe to it with a podcatcher. However, since you add individual episodes and not whole podcasts to your feed, I don't see the point of subscribing, but maybe I'm missing something there.
Go make your mixtape!
Tags: collektik, podcast services
hey thanks for the mention!
... idea is that you can manage many different podcasts on your collectik page: some podcasts you'll want to download every episode (collectik's autotick function), and some podcasts you might want to listen only to the occasional episode.
so collectik makes a playlist (available as an RSS feed) of JUST the episodes you want. but you don't necessarily want to listen to them all at once.
so if you subscribe to your own playlist, everything you've added to your playlist will get downloaded automatically into your podcatcher.
and you could, say, check collectik at work, add stuff to your playlist, and it'll get downloaded automatically on you home machine. not that we promote that kind of activity ... but ... ;)
Posted by: hugh | May 8, 2006 3:38 PM | Permalink to Comment