GCap, a London radio station, has just leapt into the podcasting market. Up until this point, I believe the BBC was the only main stream media (MSM) outlet in the UK that was into podcasting, and GCap aims to end that reign.
The first set of podcasts will be about movies, fishing, and (get this) the UK Polish community.
GCap has created the podcasts in response to recent criticism that radio is unwilling to move into the 21st century by incorporating innovative technology and expanding its reach.
The podcasts themselves will be free, but will be ad supported by Orange, one of the UK's largest cell phone providers.
Tags: podcasting, podvertising, gcap, bbc
» GCap Takes on the BBC from Fresh Podcasts
[Source: BizPodcasting - Corporate and business podcasting] quoted: GCap, a London radio station, has just leapt into the podcasting market. Up until this point, I believe the BBC was the only main stream media (MSM) outlet in the UK that was into podc... [Read More]
Tracked on: May 17, 2006 5:38 PM | Permalink to Trackback