I recently wrote about Podcast Ready, which is a device-side podcatcher a while ago. Initially I wasn't to thrilled about the idea of my MP3 player having intelligence on it, but I've played with Podcast Ready's MyPodder application a bit and it turns out that I quite like it.
There is one major problem with it, though. At the moment it's Windows only. Well, as a Linux user that's a big problem for me. Regardless of the fact that MyPodder is stored on the player, it's still a Windows app and needs Windows to run.
I think this is just a step on a longer road. There are plenty of devices out there that have their own operating system. I'd like to see a device-side podcatcher on those devices. Right now I have to plug into a Windows Internet-connected computer to update my subscriptions with MyPodder. If my device had it's own OS and MyPodder running on it instead of a computer, then I would only need the computer to supply the Internet connection and voila! MyPodder would truly be OS independent.
Tags: podcast ready, mypodder, device side podcatcher
Via Podcasting News
Thanks for checking it out, and for the feedback. The application is written in java, and in the version that you can download now there is the Windows and Mac apps included. The linux app will be available soon, hopefully in the very next beta release...
Russell Holliman
Podcast Ready, Inc.
Posted by: Russell S. Holliman | May 20, 2006 1:18 PM | Permalink to Comment