Jim Berkowitz reports that
MassMutual's National Center for Professional Development (NCPD), a unit at the company responsible for providing training content and opportunities for MassMutual's field force, writes, produces and distributes a user-friendly educational and training program called "Radio NCPD," which is designed to provide concise, engaging and informative programs to enhance knowledge and productivity.
I'm not sure how new audio programming is as a training tool, but definitely using the podcast infrastructure of suscription-based delivery is farily new. I have to wonder where the ceiling is on this type of adoption. I don't know about where you work, but when I look around at the other denizens of my cubicle farm I know that they don't know and don't care about podcasting.
MassMutual either has more intrepid employees than my company, or there are some members of the field team not listening to these things.