I know, I know - it's hard to figure out what such a podcast could be about. Fear not, I will explain it to you. Lawrence Simon and (now) guests create 100-word stories and podcast them.
I write 100 word stories, record them, and then publish them here for all the world to enjoy or ridicule. Recently, other talented and tortured writers have joined me in my quest to combine brevity with what we hope is wit.
I like this because it's whimsical. In the past, I've created many little audio files to either compliment or demonstrate something that is also in writing. The spoken word has an essence that it virtually impossible to capture in writing.
To make matters even crazier, each week another topic is posted and people are invited to send in their stories. This week, it's war stories.
Get your 100-word story here.
This format sure fits into the brain's newly wired format for smaller bites thatalso give you links for more... Cool -- it might be fun to write one of these...
Posted by: Ellen Weber | May 24, 2006 4:49 PM | Permalink to Comment