Love him or hate him, there's no denying that Robert Scoble was a major player in changing the face of corporate blogging. He did more as a blogging employee for Microsoft than any other PR endeavour they have undertaken to date.
It sounds like Scoble's duties at PodTech will be much the same as when with MS - Corporate Evangelist. This is a huge boost for PodTech and, by extension, for podcasting in general. Scoble's star power will bring a lot of attention to the media.
» Thanks to Robert Scoble, Business Bloggers Have More Power from BusinessBlogWire
I just wanted to add my thoughts to the conversation surrounding Robert Scoble's decision to leave Microsoft to become vice president of PodTech.Scoble is probably the most well-known corporate blogger today, and his move demonstrates that business blo... [Read More]
Tracked on: June 12, 2006 3:53 PM | Permalink to Trackback