I fully agree with that statement. As a person who has about 50 blogs in his reader at any given time, I know that I can skim through all of them in 20 minutes flat. However, I can only listen to one podcast at a time so in that same 20 minutes all I get is...well...one single podcast.
However, we're not all always about skimming. Sometimes we actually want deeper information or a longer experience.
The sound of someone's voice can tell you if they are young or old, quick-thinking or reflective, appealing or obnoxious, passionate or bored. Podcasts can offer a richer experience of who a speaker is than can easily be conveyed in text.
Podcasting: stop to smell the flowers :)
» Scoble: Podcasting Inefficient. Or Not. from BizPodcasting
I recently penned an entry about whether podcasting was a waste of time when compared to reading. Peter Davis feels it is because he can skim many RSS feeds in the time it takes him to listen to one podcast.... [Read More]
Tracked on: June 29, 2006 9:21 AM | Permalink to Trackback