A while ago an editor from Que publishing contacted me and asked me if I'd like to write a book on podcasting. I said "sure", and we started in on hammering out the proposal. Shortly after submitting said proposal, the editor in question was fired along with a bunch of other Que people during a "re org". My book died along with her.
I always kind of wondered why some other editor didn't pick up the idea. I mean, I didn't approach Que, they approached me, so it must be a good idea, no?
Well, I think I figured it out. That incident was back in March and now, three months later, Tricks of the Podcasting Masters has been released. Published by...you know it...Que.
Now, I don't know exactly how long it takes to write a book, but I know it takes months and months from concept to release. Soooo, if this book came out now then it had to be fairly far along in March. So why would an editor call me to see if I wanted to write basically the same book?
I think I understand why she was fired now...