A while ago I was feeling all warm and fuzzy about how quickly the world was adopting podcasting. I was encouraged by the fact that so many non-technical people were podcasting and thinking how great it is that we've moved so much faster than blogging did.
Today, however, I'm feeling overwhelmed by the sheer number of 'What is a Podcast' articles in my news aggregator.
I don't follow a massive amount of feeds - I count about 21 at the moment - and since many of them are taretted feeds from places like Sphere and Technorati, I generally get a pretty good view of what's going on. It's not unusual to see 20 or so articles on something hot that's happened in the last 24 hours. What is unusual, however, is the INCREASING number of 'What is a podcast articles'
I really don't know if I'm up to actually keeping track of how many basic podcasting articles appear each day, but anecdotally it seems to me that they're increasing at an alarming rate.