There's a good aritcle over on MirrorDot that kind of sums up the history of citizen media usage in US politics.
In the latest creative wrinkle, politicians are podcasting White House hopefuls Gen. Wesley K. Clark, John Edwards and Sen. Bill Frist are among those regularly offering their downloadable ruminations and turning up on Flickr, MySpace, YouTube and other photo- and video-sharing Internet sites.
One of the things the article mentions is Moore's Law. The geeks among us will recognize that this is the notion that the abililty of computing technology doubles every 18 months. If that's true, and considering that there are 4 years between Presidential elections, each one surely must be a technological blast over the last one, no?
It's about 18 months until the next election. Podcasting will definitely be a part of it - what else will come up between now and then?