I've been a member of the BluBrry podcast community for a week or so now. I've made a conscious effort to only listen to podcasts on BluBrry rather than Podcast Alley or any of the other directories. There's a pretty good mix of music on BluBrry (which is primarily the podcast genre I listen to), but there's a real shortage of working players.
Like any other podcast directory, each show has a built in Flash player. I would say that there's about about a 40% failure rate of that player working for any given podcast. I think it's related to the podcast's host rather than a BluBrry thing because the big guys like Rock n Roll Geek Show always play nicely, but many of the smaller shows don't play at all. The Flash player hangs at 'transferring...'.
Kind of annoying because I'm one of the majority who don't use a podcatcher. Rather, I just click and listen all day long. Sadly, I can't do that on BluBrry with any regularity.
Anyone else using BluBrry? Any thoughts on it?