Damn. The subject took my whole story. Let's see what I can salvage.
Scott Goldblatt - two time Olympic swimming medalist and b5 blogger - is in Victoria covering the "Pan Pac Games", as they're called. Scott's podcasts can be found on Speedo's Make Waves site and he's also live blogging the event on b5 Media's Timed Finals blog.
I'm not sure if Scott is just there wandering around with a microphone or if game organizers have extended him any kind of press credentials, but in any case it's good to see event podcasting happening in Canada. We're only 30 million people in this HUGE country so it can take us time to catch up sometimes.
Thanks Jon. Afew things though.
1) I am actually American :)
2) Yes, I am actually here in Victoria doing work that was extended to me via a partnership with the world's largest swimwear manufacturer, Speedo, and Timed Finals. Speedo was able to get me press credentials, so yes, I am considered press here at the swim meet.
It is truly exciting for a company like Speedo to be venturing into this area of "new media," and I hope that its success continues and we can continue to produce great podcasts.
Posted by: Scott Goldblatt | August 18, 2006 2:07 PM | Permalink to Comment