Fausto Fernos and co-host (and husband) Marc Felion, the first gay couple to podcast, have crafted the unique and wildly popular Feast of Fools, the first comedy podcast to reach 1 million downloads (in April 2006). Feast of Fools is also one of the first podcasts available on iTunes, is the first gay podcast to reach the all-time top 100 on the iTunes Music Stores, and is one of the first podcasts to create a podcasting widget for OSX.
I don't know what the "is one of the first podcasts available on iTunes" means, but the rest is impressive, no?
I wonder if there's any value in the gay demographic in terms of podvertising. Everyone is so busy measuring age and income - I wonder why nobody's measuring more lifestyle issues. I'm not a statician or marketer, though, so perhaps there's just no money in those stats.
Feast of Fools isn't the first gay podcast by far. The Podcast Network has been carrying Scott Sherman's Gay Parenting Show for well over a year now and I suspect a little googling would turn up more.
Podcasting: everybody's doing it!
Via After Elton
Thanks for the nice post about the Feast of Fools podcast. We depend on word of mouth and blog entries like this so much, so Marc and I want to thank you!
Just to clarify your comments, we were one of the first podcasts to be on the iTunes Music store when they started supporting podcasts subscriptions in June of 2005.
Although I had been blogging and posting audio and video material for a while, we officially started our program on February 8, 2005. We've posted over 350 hour long shows on our site www.feastoffools.net
On contrast, "Gay Parenting" started AFTER iTunes started supporting podcasts on July 15, 2005.
Although there were a couple of other GLBT folks doing audio blogs in 2004, we are considered by many sources to be the first gay couple "podcasting" in history.
Since iTunes started ranking shows by keywords, the Feast of Fools has ranked as the most popular show for "gay" "lesbian" and "queer" on the iTunes Music Store.
When iTunes celebrated it's one year anniversary, we were one of the 48 shows they chose to congratulate for "paving the way" and helping make podcasts a "mainstream phenomenon."
Posted by: Fausto Fernós | August 28, 2006 12:04 AM | Permalink to Comment