Hendry Lee points to Lisa Wehr's post on podcast SEO techniques.
For the uninitiated, SEO is an acronym for Search Engine Optimization. SEO is the process or study of how search engines rank web pages in search resuilts with an eye to make your page show up as high as possible. This is an important field that employs a lot of people. Think about it - how often have you searched past the first few pages of a Google search before rephrasing your search and trying again? If you're not on the first page or two for the phrase you want people to use to find your site, then they're never going to find you. SEO is all about getting onto that first page of results.
...if you optimize your podcast in a way that hints Google that the podcast page is highly relevant to what people search, then chances are the page will appear high on Google search engine results pages.
True. And relevant.
There's a part of me that wants to point out that this SEO thing in terms of podcasting is a temporary thing. Services like Podzinger and Podscope will develop into the defacto search engines for podcasts. But the reality is that even if they do, a large portion of people will never use them.
The holy grail is to have podcasts show up right beside blogs and webpages in search results. In many cases, the media is unimportant to the searcher - they just want the info. Searchers aren't like to try a Google search and, if that doesn't work out, go to a podcast specific search egine. It has to show up in one big lump to make this thing work. Utilizing some SEO techniques on your show site can make that happen.