I mentioned that Libsyn was going to offer a pro package about a month ago. Libyn Pro has now launched and is taking orders.
Arguably, or perhaps factually, Libsyn is the oldest podcast host that's still around from the early days. They survived by understanding what podcasters need and demonstrated that by refraining from bandwidth restrictions and developing an unique diskspace model.
The original Libsyn was a one-podcaster, one-account type of setup and that's still appropriate and available for indie podcasters. Libsyn Pro, however, is a one-account, multiple-podcast model. It was designed with academics, businesses, and NGOs in mind. Any organization that wants multiple podcasts that can be managed by individual groups or people, but a unified bill and statistics for all the shows is a good candidate (turnkey podcast networks, anyone?)
Libsyn Pro offers the tired old "99.9%" uptime guarantee. How many people have done the math and figured out that 99.99% uptime means 15 minutes per day, or 88 hours a year of downtime is acceptable under that service level agreement? Nothing against Libsyn, just askin' is all...
I can't help but feel that this is the next logical evolution of podcasting. As more organizations become involved in the space, this umbrella infrastructure only makes sense.
Via Podcasting News.
How exactly is it "live"? It looks no different than what they had back in August. It is simply that they are taking orders now? I blogged about Libsyn Pro on August 4th (Libsyn Pro?).
Posted by: Mack D. Male | September 15, 2006 5:29 PM | Permalink to Comment