Top 3 "pod" words we're missing
- Podangst: The feeling I get when it's late in the week and we haven't recorded our podcast yet. OK, I suppose this is just two words mushed together, but I'm trying.
Podgret: The feeling I get when I wish I hadn't said what I said on the show. A contraction of "podcast" and "regret"
- Podrage: The building anger I feel when Audacity won't pull itself together and encode this weeks show to sound just like last week's show. Yeah, another two-word-musher.
- The minor feeling of embarassment you feel when one of your non-techhy friends finds out that you podcast and looks at you like you're a total lost cause nerd.
- The desire to spend oodles and oodles of money on hardware and software that promises to make your show easier to produce.