And no, the fact that most of world associates the word podcast with the iPod is not up for debate. There isn't a judge in the world that Apple wouldn't be able to convince of that inside of 10 seconds.
- Netcast (Leo's choice): I like it because it keeps the 'cast' part which is effectively what differentiates a podcast from a boring old audio file.
- Digicast: A good word because it maintains the 'case' while indicating that there's something digital about the thing. Goo for both video and audio, but already in use as a company name.
- Mycast: If this name wasn't already in use by a weather alert service, I think this would be an exceptional name. Given that weather SMS alerts have nothing to do with podcasts, it's likely it could be adopted.
Gabcast ;-)
Posted by: Jason Becker | October 1, 2006 10:17 AM | Permalink to Comment