Corey Deitz from About.com's Radio site tells us of Talk Shoe's new podcaster payment program. I wrote about Talk Shoe some time ago, but they didn't have this program running at the time.
Now, it seems, Talk Show is providing a to a flat rate payment model to podcasters with their Talk Shoe Cash program.
TalkShoe says it will pay $5.00 for each Talkcast episode created (up to 10 episodes) plus $1.00 for every 25 hours of content consumed, which is the number of content-hours listened to, downloaded, or subscribed to as a podcast.
People who refer hosts are paid 25% of the host’s earnings. Recorded Talkcasts are stored on the TalkShoe website.
Some quick math shows that if we were to put our show on Talk Shoe under the Talk Shoe Cash program we would make somewhere around $100 a month as follows:
- 4 x 40 minute shows = 160 minutes worth of show each month
- 160 x 800 (ish) listeners per show = 128000 minutes of audio
- 128000 / 60 = 2133 hours
- 2133 hours / 25 hours x $1 per = $85
- $85 + $5/episode x 4 episodes = $105
Hardly worth it for us, but perhaps worth it for some.
The thing that has always bugged me about these automated ad insertion programs is that I'm never sure how much control I'm going to have over what airs in my podcast. I much prefer the slower, but more controlled, BluBrry model where I personally have to approve every single ad campaign that runs on my show.