OK, that's lame. I admit it.
Irish Eyes is reporting an almost 100% rise in iPod ownership among Ireland's youth.
OINT NATIONAL RADIO listenership (JNLR) figures compiled by the research group TNS MRBI for Irish radion stations and advertisers reveal a near two-fold increase in iPod ownership among 15- to 34-year-olds over the past 12 months. The number of 15- to 34-year-olds who own digital music players has increased from 30% to 58% over that same period.
I'm not sure how that translates into podcast listeners, but it would be interesting to know. Most of the polls I've seen (which are North America slanted, for sure) show that the main podcast audience falls into the 30ish to 45ish range. Are these Irish youth listening to podcasts on their iPods? If so, that would signify a different market from what we're dealing with here.
If the early North American podcast advertisers took their wares to Ireland, they might have had a chance of selling them to the teens and early twenty-somethings. A match made in heaven. If it had only happened...
Does anyone have any experience with Irish podcasting? I'm curious as to how it's panning out over there.