Yes, he's Andrew Baron and yes this is Rocketboom, but get over it - this is how it should be done.
A weekly Rocketboom spot costs $80K US. Unless Andrew likes your ad. Then it's only $60K. From the PME:
"Ads should be consistent with the interest of our audience," Baron told the morning keynote audience. Rocketboom knows its audience and understands what they're interested in, and tailors its content. An example would be "lifestyle" gadgets, like the new Nokia phone that can download podcasts. The same should apply to advertising. That means no ads, for instance, for home cleaning products, though, are out. "I'm only going to work with advertisers I want to work with," Baron said, "and I'm only going to run ads I like."
I know we're not all going to get $80K a week for a spot on our shows, but that's not the point. The point is that podcast advertising spots are worth more than MSN ads aimed at a diluted audience because (if you've done your job right, good podcaster), your audience is actually interested in the topic of your show. If you can match up ads that fit with those interests then it's conceivable that you can offer advertisers a 100% audience rather than the 2% they're used to getting.
So podvertising is worth more, sure. But taken one step farther and that means that ads can be content, as Paul Colligan states. By inducing advertisers to produce good ads you're effectively paying them by way of a discount to be part of your show.
Niow that's a match made in heaven.
Can you do it? Maybe. Can I do it? Possibly.
Try it.
Via Frank Barnako.