Linked Media looks like they're about to throw open the doors although I'm really not sure what they're opening them to.
It seems as though Linked Media has already grown tired of the 'traditional' way in which podcasts are being delivered and want to explore new ways to do so. Namely - mobile phones.
The mobile phone delivery method has been bandied around here and there, but I think it's a little early for it yet. For one thing, the bandwidth required is enormous and while the new EVDO (here in North America, anyhow) certainly has the capacity to deal with large files, I still have to wonder who's going to pay for it? And do the Brits have that type of capacity? Not sure...
Those who have tried to make money from podcasting have been pretty forcefully put down by the listeners. Considering that listeners aren't going to pay for podcasts, who does this model really benefit? Sound like another candidate for the sideline podcast market to me.
Tags: linked media, mobile casting, podvertising
Linked Media has now launched, so you can get a better idea of what we are about at www.linkedmedia.co.uk
We believe there are content supply agreements to be negotiated, and the cost of bandwidth is certainly an issue, but there will be other ways for phones to receive content and things are moving very fast in the mobile space.
Posted by: Adrian Pegg | June 1, 2006 3:38 PM | Permalink to Comment