The next 'virtual' expo to take place is the Women's International Podcasting Expo. There's already been one of these online expo things this year and reaction to it was mized.
The Women's International Podcasting Expo is now accepting applications for booths and sponsorships for its July 2006 online event. Attend live seminars, network with Exhibitors, Sponsors and Podcasters, and participate in live group Podcasts without leaving the comfort of your home.
Targetting women has always been a pretty safe marketing tactic for the online world. Blogher was started as a women-only blogging network and has branched out to conference status in July of this year.
edit: I messed up Blogher's evolution. See Elisa's comment below.
Dear Jon, thanks for the trackback. The response to the Expo wasn't as mixed as it sounds. Once attendees overcame the first night's technical problems, we didn't have a single complaint. 76% of attendees surveyed want to Exhibit in the next Expo, 70% plan on attending again, and 88% wanted to be kept up to date on future Expos. I invite you to download the Media Package on the site and view 2 of the seminars and listen to 5 minutes of testimonials from people all over the world. I hope you'll come check it out yourself, starting with our first free monthly meeting on Tuesday, May 16th.
Posted by: Penny Haynes | May 5, 2006 10:13 AM | Permalink to Comment