Sex on Legs, a 75,000-word novel written and read by Brian Luff, will be available for download on audible.co.uk despite Mr Luff, a London-based comedian, having no contract with a traditional book publisher.
Now Luff isn't exactly and unknown, but he's not gangbusters famous, either. He's the successful producer of the 365 comedy podcast and when approached y Audible to put 365 on the site, Luff was able to successfully pitch is book as well.
First we had radio shows without radio stations and now we have books without publishing houses.
I'm reminded of a few years ago when some Sony artists left the label because they wanted to be on iTunes which Sony declined to sign on with. Citizen-media is still gaining momentum.
"Sex on Legs" isn't the first audio-only novel, not even close. My novel "EarthCore" was released as a podcast-only novel in March, 2005 - a year and a half before "Sex on Legs."
Since then, I also released Ancestor and Infection as audio-only novels:
Audible UK didn't bother to do a Google search to check their claim, nor did the FT.com reporter before she ran with the story.
I hope Brian sells a million copies! He's great.
Posted by: Scott Sigler | June 8, 2006 1:21 PM | Permalink to Comment