The Welch Way" features Jack & Suzy Welch's answers to readers' questions about business, managing, and careers. Drawing on Jack's experience as the legendary former CEO of General Electric and Suzy's background as the former editor-in-chief of the Harvard Business Review, the pair debate and discuss the issues addressed in their highly popular BusinessWeek column.
I'm listening to an episode called The Whining Game which I'm really enjoying. One of the questions they're answering this week is about businesses that make the mistake of looking after their employees to the point where employees start to figure that they're entitled to what the rest of us would probably consider benefits.
This rings a bell with me because I had to let one of my bloggers from my Linux World Net blog network go this week because of performance issues. I didn't really hem and haw about it, I knew what had to be done, but there was certainly a feeling of "I wish I didn't have to do this" type of thing.
These guys are nice to listen to and while the show is definitely scripted, it's not being read verbatim. It's a nice mix of off the cuff advice that obviously stems from experience, and format where both Jack and Suzy get equal air time and keep the pace moving.
Check it out.
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[Source: BizPodcasting - Corporate and business podcasting] quoted: This husband and wife team produce the Welch Way. The Welch Way" features Jack & Suzy Welch's answers to... [Read More]
Tracked on: May 29, 2006 5:39 PM | Permalink to Trackback