It seems that there are more businesses attempting to make money from podcasting than there are businesses that understand what podcasting is. What I Want Podcasting is on my plate today.
The first tell tales signs that What I Want Podcasting is out of their element is the opening statement of their press release over on PR Web:
How can one separate the growth rate of podcasting and the number of listeners and viewers? The number of listeners and viewers *are* the growth rate.
What makes a podcast a podcast is the subscription mechanism. How, exactly, can patients subscribe to their Doctor's little ditty on their health? I'm all for the idea, but anyone in the podcasting space needs to at least know what the distinctive element of a podcast is.
And lastly, what press release would be complete without the obligatory "utter gibberish" statement?
I don't know. I don't think What I Want Podcasting has what I want.
Sometimes people read someone else's website or press release, then try to re-word it in their own way to include in their marketing copy. The result is a haphazard, poorly written press release that includes so many fallacies that it's laughable.
Funny thing is the guy who runs that site is actually very well versed in the podcasting field. I'm surprised that his press release is so poorly written. I wonder who wrote it?
Thanks for staying on top of all these podcasting services and products.
Posted by: Leesa | June 19, 2006 5:42 PM | Permalink to Comment