Before purchasing a portable recorder, it;s a good idea to put some thought into what format it records into, how you're going to get it off the device, and whether your audio editor can deal with that format of file.
My iRiver T10 records into WAV format, transfers the files off via mini-USB cable, and can be edited and converted by Audacity. So I'm good, but what about you?
You can use a cel phone with a speakerphone or if you want to be more discrete two people can be on their own cel phones and use the conference calling capability of the site to do an interview.
Shameless plug to use
You can use a cel phone with a speakerphone or if you want to be more discrete two people can be on their own cel phones and use the conference calling capability of the site to do an interview.
End of PSA ;-)
Posted by: Jason Becker | June 30, 2006 1:06 PM | Permalink to Comment