Nielsen recently released a survey that says, in part:
Nielsen//NetRatings announced today that 6.6 percent of the U.S. adult online population, or 9.2 million Web users, have recently downloaded an audio podcast. 4.0 percent, or 5.6 million Web users, have recently downloaded a video podcast. These figures put the podcasting population on a par with those who publish blogs, 4.8 percent, and online daters, 3.9 percent.
Umm…what? We're comparing podcast listeners with blog writers? That's like comparing newspaper readers to karoake singers. No correlation between the two.
I'm embarassed for them.
Via Podcasting News
Update: Looks like Leesa is as impressed as I am with the survey.
Update: Nielsen admits they suck.
It's Nielsen not Neilsen.
Posted by: Anonymous | July 13, 2006 6:38 AM | Permalink to Comment