Not only did my short entry on the survey's shortcomings get "Scoblelized", but many other people in the space caught the same stench of stupefaction (thank you, Thesaurus.com) wafting off the Nielsen report. Frank Barnako sums it up nicely.
The general sense I get from Technorati and Techmeme is that this is a PR fiasco for Nielsen. They've shown themselves to be bandwagon hoppers by pushing a survey out the door that is loosely cobbled together and embarassingly incoherent. Sadly, there are many, many enterprises out there that are leaping into podcasting without any real sense of what it is or how to execute it properly, but many of those companies slide under the radar. When you're Nielsen, you have to get it right.
Jeremy Wright, the author of Blog Marketing, provided the best piece of advice to businesses that I've ever heard about blogging. To paraphrase: "If you don't have to blog, then don't. Don't do it because you think you have to. Do it because you want to or need to".
I realize that Nielsen isn't podcasting, but once you replace the word "blog" with "podcast" this is sage advice for anyone in the podcasting space. Speaking when you have nothing to say will attract a lot of attention.
Good points...I would also add that this is not just about Nielson and a cobbled together podcasting report....its about cobbled together research. This time it just happened to be about podcasting and this time it just happened to be Nielson. A few weeks ago it was Jupiter on corporate blogging.
Posted by: Marianne Richmond | July 13, 2006 12:21 PM | Permalink to Comment